Book of the Month • July

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The Person of Christ

by Andrew Bonar


The Person of Christ is a wonderful encouragement for Christians today. Despite the difference between this edition’s original publication date, the truths that Andrew Bonar addresses here are timeless.

With an object of connecting the Person of Christ with His work, Bonar sets out a precedent for heartfelt evangelical exposition of the Gospel via the personal relationship Christians have with Christ. He shows us that from the new birth to one’s passage through death into glory, Christ is everything to the believer, and our assurance of faith comes from Him and His Word.

The brevity of this book is no indicator of the immense help it can provide for any who desires to grow in knowing Jesus. With each page, Bonar carefully and consistently lifts up the person of Christ and exhorts us with reasons to keep our eyes fixed on him.

This uplifting book is a great help to any true Christian who longs to grow in the Christian life and will stir up fresh affection for your saviour. It is an invitation to fix our eyes on Christ, and a reminder that only by looking at Christ and his character do we find peace and the assurance to live a life of joyful obedience.


'I knew not how to secure myself against past, present, and future sins: but there was that largeness of grace, that all-sufficiency of mercy, that infinity of righteousness, discovered to me in Christ, that I found sufficient for all the days of my life.' - Andrew Bonar (Glasgow, June 1858)

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