Is there anything better than a book delivery?
Here are some of our favourite books that have just hit the shelves.
Whosoever Will May Come
David Doherty Th.D
This new body of work by the noted Canadian scholar David Doherty of the New Brunswick Bible Institute, is a sterling example of the old maxim that “good things come in small packages.” Though many theologians and Bible scholars require (or consume) 500 pages to present and defend their theses, this author can do (and has done) it well in fewer than 100! Not avoiding such tough questions as predestination/free will and spiritual gifts, David has also covered virtually every other Christological issue concisely and yet adequately and intelligibly.
To the Day of Eternity
Mark Sweetnam
This book has its origin in the firm conviction that a grasp of God's prophetic programme is not an obscure indulgence for the eccentric, but an essential element of every believer's knowledge of his or her Bible and an indispensable part of living a scriptural Christian life. It will assist the student of Bible prophecy by providing a clear and concise outline of future events. It addresses the question of how prophetic Scripture ought to be interpreted and describes the distinctive hopes of Israel and the Church. It also stresses the practical value of prophecy in our everyday lives, highlighting its importance as a preventative against doctrinal distortions and a promoter of correct Christian conduct. Throughout the book, we are reminded that ‘the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’, as Christ is seen to be the central subject of prophecy, and the Source and Sum of the believer’s hope.
'There Am I' provides a careful, contextual examination of the key passages of Scripture that outline the purpose, pattern, and practice of a New Testament assembly. It demonstrates from Scripture that the assembly belongs to God and is for God, and emphasises its unique significance. It considers a range of important subjects, including the Lord's Supper, headship, the exercise of gift and the earning of reward, and rule in the assembly. This book provides a lucid overview of a subject that must be of vital importance for every believer who wants to be where the Lord is.
66 Books One Story
Paul Reynolds
If you’ve read the Bible, you probably know some of the important battles, a good chunk of the life of Jesus, maybe a Psalm or two – but what do you know about the minor prophets and the epistles? Do you have some loose ends that need tying up? This is where a book like this helps. The Bible has one author – God – so we need to see the Bible as a whole, as God’s Word. Every book of the Bible is the breath of God and the plan of Salvation spans all of Scripture. In this Bible overview, each book of the Bible is summarised; background given; themes and theology explained.
Knowing God's Will For Your Life
David Weir
Do you want to learn how to know what God’s will is for your life? Seeking God’s guidance is a focus for many believers, and this book provides practical guidance on the subject of knowing God’s will, different aspects of God’s will and how to avoid the dangers awaiting those who live outside God’s will. “Knowing God’s Will for your Life” is arranged into fifteen short chapters and covers topics such as: The Will of God in Prayer, the Will of God in Service and the Will of God in our Testimony to Others. It also focuses on how we can be certain that we know the will of God and what happens when we realise that we have made a decision that was not in the will of God. Readers who are interested in understanding how God guides us will find this practical and concise book to be very helpful.
Setting the Stage
Jabe Nicholson
GENESIS... It's a book like no other. Hurtling us back to the dawn of time and space, we look over God's shoulder as He creates the universe. We watch as He tenderly kneels, shapes His crowning creature from the dust, and gently breathes into him the breath of life. No greater love drama, no more inspiring human saga, no more exciting rescue mission, could be imagined than the one told in this book.