Pocket Commentary Series

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This ongoing series is a collection of short, yet excellent outlines on various books of the Bible at a great value price. The handy size (175mm x 105mm) allows them to be easily stored and given to those who may not normally sit down with a larger-sized commentary.

The aim has been to provide something concise, particularly for the benefit of younger people, which will give the general drift of a passage without altogether ignoring the detail. In short, they're less intimating but still packed full of powerful, Biblical information.

The experience and insight of the authors of this series comes from their service to God in leading local Bible classes, encouraging others to study the Scripture for themselves, and various commitments to writing a range of useful commentaries. These outlooks have been reflected in these little volumes so that anyone who requires a primer on certain books of the Bible can happily turn to them and have that need met.  

1. 1st John by Jack Hay

The first in the series presents articles that were originally written for a series included in the Believer’s Magazine. It provides an excellent outline of the book of 1st John. As always, studying the Bible is a worthwhile thing to do, but the real value lies in working out in daily life the lessons learned. The commentary encourages this several times.

2. Ruth by Ian Steele

Ian Steele brings out the incredible lessons relevant to us all found in the book of Ruth, but will be particularly helpful to those who are studying the book for the first time.

3. Daniel by Jack Hay

The changing scenes and circumstances of Daniel’s long life are vividly brought before us by Jack’s pen. In keeping with the objective of the author to make complicated prophecy like Daniel accessible to young believers and those new to the Christian faith, this book instructs, challenges and at the same time whets the appetite to dig deeper into the text of the prophecy.

4. Colossians by Ian Steele

The reader will find that this book is Christ-exalting, with strands of truth drawn from various parts of Scripture, just as Paul does in his letter to the church in Colossae.

5. 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Ian Steele

The epistles to the believers at Thessalonica were probably the first that Paul wrote, written from Corinth to a church which had been planted just a month or two before that, as recorded in Acts 17. The teaching in these epistles was particularly relevant to these young believers at that time, facing some difficult questions about their faith and their future. Centuries later, they are no less relevant and important for believers today, whether young or old.


Purchase all five books for £25.

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