The Butler and The Baker
View daily reading plan: Genesis 40.1-5; 20-23
The jailing of Pharaoh’s butler and baker was another critical event in God’s programme for Joseph (Gen 40.1-4) and their dreams were the catalyst for his eventual release. In both cases, the dreams created an anxiety that was evident in their faces (vv.6-7). Joseph’s sympathetic disposition is delightful to observe. The injustice of his own situation had not embittered him or made him absorbed with his own unhappy circumstances. Not only did he notice the men’s dejection but he also enquired about the cause.
The butler was the first to tell his dream, and with God’s help Joseph provided a positive interpretation. The baker was emboldened to express his dream, but for him the explanation was disastrous. In both cases, Joseph’s predictions were completely accurate. When bidding the butler farewell, Joseph anticipated that he could call in a favour in respect of his own predicament; “think on me when it shall be well with thee” (v.14). Perhaps his hopes were high that soon there would be a messenger at the prison door with news of his release, but with every passing day that notion faded.
Forgotten by the butler, Joseph was in prison for another two years, and as if to emphasise the weariness of it, Scripture says, “two full years” (Gen 41.1). 730 more days of confinement in that Egyptian dungeon, and then one day, out of the blue there was the summons to the palace and dramatically and unexpectedly his sufferings were at an end. Be assured that God can work like that, and even in the darkest hour have faith in God; He could end your trial as He ended Joseph’s.
Monday, 12 February, 2024