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Daily Reading

A Great High Priest

View daily reading plan: Hebrews 4.14-5.8

The description of our great High Priest given here is interesting. ‘Jesus’ reminds us of His humanity. He has experienced every test of the natural life. He can fully sympathise with us because He has already faced the full weight of the circumstances of life. (Heb 2:18). The one place where He could not sympathise is in the matter of sin. The phrase translated “yet without sin” is a statement that He could not be tempted by sin. It could be literally rendered ‘apart from sin’.

The title ‘Son of God’ reminds us of His deity. As such, He is not just representative of God but He is God Himself. On this basis, we are encouraged to hold fast. His place is on the throne of God and that throne, symbolised by the mercy seat (which only Israel’s high priest could approach and that but once a year), is no longer a threat of judgment and death but an assurance of acceptance and provision for every circumstance of life.

Why can we hold fast? Because our great High Priest has made provision for all that we could ever need. We need fear no circumstance because He ever lives, His work will never end and therefore He is able to save to the uttermost (Heb 7:25).

Thursday, 14 March, 2024

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