View daily reading plan: Matthew 27.11- 18
"For envy they had delivered Him"
Joseph’s brothers were “moved with envy” (Acts 7.9) when they sold him into Egypt. They envied him for his special relationship with his father. Their bitter envy resulted in long years of suffering and misery for Joseph.
When Jewish leaders brought Jesus of Nazareth before Pilate, he quickly realised that envy was the motive in their plot to get rid of such an innocent man (v.18).
The common people “heard Him gladly” and multitudes followed Him. These rulers repeatedly tried to silence Him but they could not. Their mounting hatred dulled their consciences to the point of wicked deceit and foul play. Envy motivated them to arrest Him, to accuse Him, to insist on His crucifixion. Sadly, against his better judgement, Pilate gave in.
Proverbs 27.4 tells us that “Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?” What awful damage it can do! No wonder 1 Peter 2.1 exhorts us: “laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies ... “.
The envy of men led to the death of Christ. Let us make sure we lay all that aside, and that love for Christ motivates us to live for Him today.
Monday, 25 March, 2024