Drinking the Cup
View daily reading plan: Matthew 26.42; 1 Corinthians 10.16
At the Lord’s Supper, we drink from a cup which is for us “a cup of blessing”. It symbolises the precious blood of Christ through which we have been blessed, presently and eternally. With bowed heads and chastened spirits we hear Him saying, “My blood, ... shed for you” (Lk 22.20). As we reverently drink it, we remember the tremendous cost of our redemption.
When our Lord Jesus instituted this memorial supper, He gave thanks for the cup and gave it to His disciples. He did not drink from it Himself. But He did drink another cup. He said, “The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?” (Jn 18.11). In Gethsemane He said to His Father, “Thy will be done.” That cup which our Lord Jesus took from the hand of His Father was a bitter cup of suffering to be endured at the hands of men, of judgement to be borne for the sinner, of the horror of abandonment by His God.
Saturday, 13 April, 2024