View daily reading plan: 1 John 2.18-23
These believers had been taught that the antichrist would emerge in a future day. Even then, last days conditions were manifesting themselves, and there were “many antichrists”. Once they had masqueraded as the genuine people of God, but now they had withdrawn from the believers - “they went out from us” (v.19). Their defection gave a clear signal that they have never been truly saved. John brands them as “liars” who deny “that Jesus is the Christ” (v.22).
As ever, the devil was assaulting “the truth” about the Lord Jesus. In attacking His Messiahship and Sonship, the false teachers were also detracting from the Father’s honour; they were denying Him; He had no place in their lives (vv.22-23). Their error completely opposed the Father’s declarations about His Son, so their quarrel was with Him! Scripture teaches that “all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father” (Jn 5.23). To deny the Son is to defy the Father.
The torrent of error that was sourced in the 1st century continues to flow. Various cults pour scorn on the Christian perspective of the Trinity. Probably the most militant and vocal are those who call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses. They suppose that they are championing Jehovah’s cause by denying the deity of the Son, ignoring and even meddling with Biblical references to His Godhood. Their stance demonstrates that “the same (have) not the Father”.
Friday, 3 May, 2024