View daily reading plan: Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2.21-25
The psalmist now changes from speaking about the Shepherd, to speaking directly to Him. The emphasis is not so much on the valley experience, as on the fact that he has companionship in that experience. Because his companion is the Shepherd Himself, he need fear no evil. Adversity, affliction, calamity may come our way, and such things are not lightly regarded, but as and when they come, He is there to support and comfort and to bring us through.
The rod is the instrument of government and rule. It is always good to acknowledge the Shepherd’s Lordship! He has the power to smite the enemy, and will do so in defence of those who are precious to His heart. We may lean upon the staff for support and strength, but here it is “his rod and his staff”! Together they provide assurance and confidence to the psalmist as he sees them in the hand of the Shepherd whose chief interest is our wellbeing.
Sunday, 26 May, 2024