The Marriage of the Lamb
View daily reading plan: Revelation 19.6-9
The Bride of Christ is the church (see Ephesians 5.25, 32). This bride is composed of all believers in Christ from the beginning of this age of grace at Pentecost (Acts 2), to when this age of grace ends at the Lord’s coming, the Rapture.
The heavenly Bride has “made herself ready” (v.7), in a clean white ‘wedding dress’. It is made up of the righteous acts Christians had done while they lived on earth (v.8). It perhaps includes those rewards for faithful service already received at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Now in heaven there is a great celebration of the full and final union of Christ and the church which He loved so much.
On the cross at Calvary He died and sacrificed Himself, so that the church, His bride, might receive eternal life from Him. He cared for the church through long years of testing, trials and suffering on earth so that her life might be preserved. The separation is now over. The Saviour and those He saved are together in the glory of heaven for ever.
Friday, 7 June, 2024