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Daily Reading

A Fleece Put Out

View daily reading plan: Judges 6.36-40

As far as Gideon was concerned there should have been no need to put out a fleece. God had promised, ‘thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites’ (Chp 6v14); ‘thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man’ (Chp 6v16). Gideon seemed to be racked by doubts, and so here he is saying to God ‘If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand…’ (v36).

Can God’s promises not be relied on? Is He not the God ‘that cannot lie’ (Tit 1v2), the God of whom Scripture says, ‘it was impossible for God to lie’? (Hebs 6v18). Do we need Him to give some miraculous evidence that He will keep His word? Gideon appeared to need constant reassurance that God was on his side. When first commissioned by the angel of the Lord, he had said, ‘shew me a sign’ (Chp 6v17). Here again, he looks for a miracle as a guarantee of God’s intentions.

On both occasions, God was so patient with his servant that He complied; in the next chapter God gave him reassurance without him seeking it (vv 9-15). Hezekiah had the same reservations as Gideon. God had promised him recovery from his illness, and another fifteen years of life (2Kings 20v5-6). He asked, ‘What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me?’ (v8). Again, God mercifully allowed what was really an unnecessary sign to give His servant confidence in His promise.

Saturday, 22 June, 2024

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