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- AUTHOR: M Beggs
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Bridge OverTroubled Waters
Some of the greatest feats of engineering have been achieved by bridge builders. The seemingly impossible has been accomplished
as amazing structures have spanned wide stretches of water or deep canyons. As we journey along the busy highways, many bridges are often in our view.
Some time ago the construction of the so-called Peace Bridge across the River Foyle sparked a great deal of interest. It links the City Centre to the Waterside in the City of Londonderry. Much planning took place and four different firms were involved in the construction. The Bridge cost millions of pounds to build. Only pedestrians and cyclists can use it. Buses, cars and lorries are prohibited entry because of their over-weight. The Bridge is good news for tourism but especially for the Waterside residents who now can walk to the City Centre in just a few minutes. It costs them nothing to
cross. How wonderful and how well-planned!
I would like to draw your attention to a greater bridge. It is the bridge of Life. The Bible teaches us that the ‘greatest Builder of all times’ has been the Lord Jesus Christ. He has spanned the yawning chasm between a Holy God and ungodly sinners.
This gulf developed after Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden. Genesis Chapter 3 ends with God driving out the man whom He had created from His presence. Isaiah 59:2 clearly tells us that our sins have separated between us and God. The ingenuity and skill of man which allows so many other bridges to be built can never build a bridge across this gulf between us and God.
Paul, the Apostle, in 1st Timothy 2:5&6 wrote: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who
gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time”. God is on one side and man on the other and Christ Jesus (Himself man) came in-between the two sides and can bring them together because He gave His life for all mankind. Jesus Christ who suffered, bled and
died on the Cross of Calvary for your sins and mine is the only bridge to God.
We must remember God has provided this bridge of life for the ‘whosoever’. The offer is open for all. There is no difference with God. As a guilty sinner, each individual must take the step of Faith or Trust. We must rely on God’s Word that the work is finished. It is complete. It has a firm foundation. In 1st Corinthians 3 we read that Christ is the foundation. Paul warns, in verses 10 and 11: “But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ”.
I can say in truth – “On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking sand”.
The hymn writer penned it well:
“What are you building on, dear one? So busily day by day?
Is it a mighty castle of stone or is it a house of clay?
Whose is the plan you build on? What are the stones and lime?
Is it based on the Rock of Eternity? Or the sands of the shores of time?”
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