Galatians - The Merits of Christ
  • Galatians - The Merits of Christ Thumbnail
  • CategoriesBooksPrecious SeedBiblical StudyBible Commentaries
  • Format: Paperback
  • SKU: 9781871642995
  • AUTHOR: Norman Mellish

Galatians - The Merits of Christ

Norman Mellish
The book of Galatians was written to ensure that none would look to men, but only to the finished work of the Lord Jesus as their only hope for eternity. Through this book may the Lord encourage those who preach the gospel to preach Christ and Him crucified.
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Galatia was the area to which Paul first took the gospel, and, immediately, there were false teachers who followed Paul and introduced error into that area.

The book of Galatians was written to ensure that none would look to men, but only to the finished work of the Lord Jesus as their only hope for eternity.

Through this book may the Lord encourage those who preach the gospel to preach Christ and Him crucified.


Weight0.384 kg
  • Books
  • Precious Seed
  • Biblical Study
  • Bible Commentaries



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