Angola To Zambia
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  • CategoriesBooksBiographyMissionary Biography
  • Format: Paperback
  • SKU: GTP0948417765
  • AUTHOR: Charles A Geddis

Angola To Zambia

Charles A Geddis
Charles Geddis the son of missionary parents from N. Ireland was born and raised in Central Africa. From early childhood the African children were his close friends. This unique position reflects the words of Ezekiel, “I sat where they sat.” While living in Zambia and engaged in secular….
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Charles Geddis the son of missionary parents from N. Ireland was born and raised in Central Africa. From early childhood the African children were his close friends. This unique position reflects the words of Ezekiel, “I sat where they sat.”

While living in Zambia and engaged in secular employment, Charles had a zealous interest in the spread of the gospel and in 1965 he was commended to the grace of God in full-time service. Both he and his father before him have seen much blessing following their labours. ‘From Angola to Zambia’ concisely relates many years of gospel work in the ‘Beloved Strip’.


Weight0.476 kg
  • Books
  • Biography
  • Missionary Biography
  • Gospel Tract Publications



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