Headcovering & The Role of Women in the Local Church
  • Headcovering & The Role of Women in the Local Church Thumbnail
  • CategoriesBooksTheology
  • Format: Paperback
  • SKU: 9781909789531
  • AUTHOR: David Gilliland

Headcovering & The Role of Women in the Local Church

David Gilliland
The Head Covering Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance GIVEN THE RADICAL CHANGE in religious society and opinion over recent decades, great confusion has arisen concerning the significance of the wearing of a head covering by women in a local church context. Considered by many as an...
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The Head Covering Its Biblical Basis and Symbolic Significance GIVEN THE RADICAL CHANGE in religious society and opinion over recent decades, great confusion has arisen concerning the significance of the wearing of a head covering by women in a local church context. Considered by many as an an outdated custom, it is seen by others as an optional choice. In this booklet the author examines the Biblical underpinnings of this practice and explains in detail the Scriptural meaning of the Head Covering and its continuing significance in our modern age The Role ofWomen in the Local Church THE PAST FEW DECADES have seen a radical change in the role of women in our society.This trend in wider culture has had an impact amongst Christians, and the role of women in local church testimony has become an issue of debate and even of controversy. In this book the author, taking the Scriptures as the only authoritative guide to the subject, examines the vital and distinctive function and role of women in the local church. He outlines the clear teaching of God's Word on this subject, to discover what it has to say to us in the twenty-first century. David Gilliland was converted and received into the fellowship of the Lurgan Assembly in his early teens. Like many others, while still in business he became actively involved in the work of the Lord particularly in preaching the Gospel. Since his commendation to full time service David has continued both in Gospel and Bible teaching among the assemblies gathered to the Lord's Name. He is well known throughout the UK and many other countries where he seeks to edify and encourage believers in a day when this is much needed.


Weight0.341 kg
  • Books
  • Theology



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