Cameos That Counted Volume 1
  • Cameos That Counted Volume 1 Thumbnail
  • CategoriesBooksRitchie PublicationsCharacter Study SeriesRitchie DirectFather's Day
  • Format: Hardback
  • SKU: 9781914273452
  • AUTHOR: A. J. Higgins

Cameos That Counted Volume 1

A. J. Higgins
In Volume 1, you will find characters taken from the Old and New Testaments who made short but important contributions to the Word of God, such as Anna, Elisabeth, Dorcas, Barzillai, Enoch, Nathan and Mephibosheth.
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There are characters in the Bible who make significant but relatively short cameo appearances and, without knowledge of them, we would be spiritually the poorer. Women like Anna, Elisabeth and Dorcas, or characters like Abel, Enoch, Rahab and Barak who are mentioned in Hebrews 11, are all used to help us learn from their experiences. In this volume, you will find characters taken from the Old and New Testaments who made short but important contributions to the Word of God, such as Barzillai, Enoch, Nathan and Mephibosheth. We can learn some great doctrines of Scripture (Justification, Redemption, Sanctification) from these characters, along with teaching on how we ought to behave. This interesting study will prove helpful and practical; it should stimulate the reader to meditate, and also to search the Scriptures for other examples from which to learn.


Weight0.967 kg
  • Books
  • Ritchie Publications
  • Character Study Series
  • Ritchie Direct
  • Father's Day
  • John Ritchie Publishing



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