Holidays Time To Travel Tracts
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  • AUTHOR: Jack Hay

Holidays Time To Travel Tracts

Jack Hay
This new gospel tract written by Jack Hay is ideal for summer evangelism. Sold in bundles of 100.
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This new gospel tract written by Jack Hay is ideal for summer evangelism. Sold in bundles of 100.


There are so many different options when it comes to planning a holiday. Some people are sun- worshippers and love the warmth of a foreign shore. Some are outdoor types, and there is the appeal of the moors and hills. Some have a taste for culture, and are charmed by cities with ornate buildings and exquisite art galleries. So we spend time looking at brochures or searching online as we make our plans. Where to go and when? How long to stay and how to get there? Very importantly, how much will it all cost? Maybe you have made your plans and are now anticipating a well-earned break.
The purpose of this leaflet is to ask if you have given any planning and thought to the final journey we will all make when we leave this life and enter eternity? Possibly you don’t like to think about that, but it is so much more important than a temporary vacation – this is for ever; it is one-way; there is no coming back!


There is no parallel between a vacation and eternity. The one is for a limited period and the other is for ever. Destinations for the vacation are numerous; according to the Bible, there are only two destinations for the afterward to life, heaven and hell. Can you see why preparing for eternity is so crucial? If you are familiar with Christ’s teaching about heaven and hell you will know that the contrast between the two is so stark that it is wise to be certain of arriving in the right destination.


That raises the question. How can we prepare for being in heaven? As we are, not one of us qualifies to be there, for the Bible says of God’s celestial city, ‘There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defiles’, Revelation 21.27. The sins of a lifetime will debar us from that paradise; the “No Admittance” sign is up. Is there no hope then, no way to heaven at all? There is one way, and Jesus said, ‘I am the way ... no one comes unto the Father, but by Me’, The Bible John 14.6.


What did Christ mean when He said, ‘I am the way’? He was indicating that it is faith in Him alone that brings us forgiveness, removing the impediment that would exclude us from heaven. Of course, to make forgiveness and salvation available to us, He had to come into the world to die for our sins and rise again the third day - 1 Corinthians 15.3-4. He ‘suffered for sins ... that He might bring us to God’, 1 Peter 3.18. For a place in heaven God asks for no contribution from us by way of trying hard to do good, or by being religious. The cost of our place in heaven was paid by the sacrifice of His Son on the cross, so He is THE way, the only way. It is for us to receive Him by faith. An old hymn about heaven says:
My passport to the realms of bliss Is, “Jesus died for me”.


You prepare for your holiday; what about preparing to meet God by receiving His Son? At no expense to you, heaven can be assured and hell can be avoided; repent and call on Him to save you and do it now, for ‘whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved’, Romans 10.13. That step of faith reserves your place in heaven.

Jack Hay



Weight0.5 kg
  • Outreach
  • Tracts
  • General
  • John Ritchie Publishing



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