- CategoriesOutreachTractsEaster
- AUTHOR: Jack Hay
I Believe
Wording Reads:
I Believe; this was one of Elvis Presley’s songs with a
religious theme; some of you may remember it. The
writers of the lyrics expressed a belief in ‘someone in
the great somewhere’ who can hear ‘above a storm
the smallest prayer’. People have different thoughts
about what God is like, but what we believe has to
be based on fact, not on our own ideas. The Bible
gives us the facts about God and truths that we can
Here is a strong statement of Christian belief that is
relevant for Easter:
(1 Thessalonians 4.14).
The death of Jesus Christ was predicted in the Old
Testament Scriptures, written hundreds of years
before He was born, and every prophecy about the
circumstances of His death was fulfilled precisely. For
example, that a friend (Judas) would betray Him; that
Judas would be paid thirty pieces of silver; that Jesus
would be scourged and spat on; that His hands and
feet would be pierced, meaning His death would be
by crucifixion.
His death was recorded in all four Gospels, Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John. The harsh brutal facts are detailed of how He was falsely accused, unjustly
condemned and viciously executed. Take time to read
it for yourself.
His death was explained later in the New Testament;
“Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15.3). “Christ
also has once suffered for sins … that He might bring
us to God” (1 Peter 3.18). Our sins offend God and
warrant His eternal judgment. Because God loves us
He has provided a Saviour in His own eternal Son,
Jesus Christ. His death as a sacrifice for sins has made
it possible for God to save and forgive us. These are
the facts to be believed. “JESUS died”; in the Hebrew
language, enshrined in the name ‘Jesus’ is the word
‘Saviour’. Is He your Saviour? Can you say, ‘I believe
that Jesus died, and that He died for me’?
JESUS ROSE AGAIN. Good Friday was followed by
Easter Sunday, and the empty tomb signalled His
triumph over death. When God raised His Son to life
He was expressing His complete satisfaction with
the sacrifice made for sins. The disciples of the Lord
Jesus who saw Him alive were sent with a message
of hope and forgiveness to the whole world. No one
need now be enslaved to the crippling habits of sin.
No one need now live in fear of meeting God and
experiencing eternal judgment. No one need now
endure the misery of a nagging conscience. Death has been defeated and forgiveness and eternal life
are available to those who believe.
In the first century, many believed and received
the living Saviour by repentance and faith, and
experienced the joy of forgiveness and salvation. The
fact that “He ever lives” means He is still available
and “able to save”, (Hebrews 7.25). The same good
news message is still being preached that “Whoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”
(Romans 10.13).
Along with the publishers and distributors of this
leaflet, I make this statement of belief; “We believe
that Jesus died and rose again”. What about you?
Are you too depending on Him for the salvation of
your soul?
Weight | 0.422 kg |
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