The Jew, The Gentile And The Church Of God In Prophecy
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  • CategoriesBooksBiblical StudyReference
  • Format: Hardback
  • SKU: 9781909751705
  • AUTHOR: Samuel W. Jennings

The Jew, The Gentile And The Church Of God In Prophecy

Samuel W. Jennings

Extracts from the book After the flood, the sons of Noah who came out from the ark increased in their posterity and populated the earth. Again, they were never calle...

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Extracts from the book After the flood, the sons of Noah who came out from the ark increased in their posterity and populated the earth. Again, they were never called Gentiles until the people of Israel came upon the sceneà The call of God to Abraham starts the posterity of the house of Israelà Their history to the end of the Old Testament is in seven periodsà It is clear that the Gentile nations started with Adam and went on for about 2000 years. Then Abraham came upon the scene and thus commenced the race of the Jews for another 2000 years until the coming of Christ. After the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the Holy Spirit was poured out which, in turn, led to the formation of the church, the body of Christ and the local churches. Nevertheless, the church was first in the mind of God even before creation or time had begun as taught by Ephesians 1:4-5. When studying prophecy it must always be kept in mind that Israel and the church are distinct. To try and make Israel the church in the Old Testament, or make the church to be Israel leads to hopeless confusion. 

About the author Samuel W. Jennings was commended to full-time service in the Lord's work almost 50 years ago. His labours often took him out of his beloved Northern Ireland to other parts of the UK, Canada, the UsA and the West Indies. In addition to preaching and teaching the Scriptures, Mr Jennings has found time to author a number of other books as listed herein.


Weight0.549 kg
  • Books
  • Biblical Study
  • Reference
  • Memory Lane Productions



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