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- Format: Black Bonded Leather
- SKU: 9781914273148
New Believer's Hymn Book Leather
A Completely new revised Hymn Book with a number of rarely sung hymns removed and a considerable number of hymns added. This will enhance the suitability of the Hymn Book not only for the...
A Completely new revised Hymn Book with a number of rarely sung hymns removed and a considerable number of hymns added. This will enhance the suitability of the Hymn Book not only for the Breaking of Bread, but also for Ministry Meetings and Conferences.
A Debtor to mercy alone
A little while of mingled joy and sorrow
A little while! Our Lord shall come.
A mighty fortress is our God
A mind at perfect peace with God
A perfect path of purest grace
A Pilgrim through this lonely world
A Rock that stands for ever
A wealth of grace and truth replete
A wonderful Saviour is Jesus my Lord
Abba, Father! we adore Thee
Abba, Father! we approach Thee
Abide in me, my Saviour
According to Thy gracious Word
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed?
All hail the power of Jesus' name!
All people that on earth do dwell
All that I was—my sin, my guilt
All the way my Saviour leads me;
Altogether lovely
Am I a Soldier of the Cross
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amen! One lasting, long Amen!
Amidst us our Beloved stands
And can it be that I should gain
And did the Holy and the Just
And is it so! we shall be like Thy Son
And shall we see Thy face
Arise, my soul, arise
Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus
Around Thy table, Holy Lord
As gathered to Thy precious name
As in holy contemplation
As prophets past foretold Him
As sinners saved we gladly praise
Assembled, Lord, at Thy behest
At rest through Jesus’ blood
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays
Be not afraid whate’er betide
Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side
Be Thou my Vision – exclude the last verse
Before the throne of God above
Before Thine open ear
Behold the amazing sight
Behold the Lamb with glory crowned!
Behold the Man by God approved
Behold the throne of grace!
Behold! a spotless Victim dies
Behold! Behold the Lamb of God
Behold, what love, what boundless love
Beneath an eastern sky
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Beyond the scenes of darkest night
Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine
Blessed be God, our God!
Blessed God of Glory
Blessed God our hearts are bringing
Blessed God we come before Thee
Blessed God we meditate
Blessed Lord, our souls are longing
Blessed retrospection
Blest morning, whose first dawning rays
Break every barrier down
Break Thou the bread of life
Brethren, let us join to bless
Bride of the Lamb, there is for thee
Bright with all His crowns of glory
Brightness of God’s glory He
Brightness of the eternal glory
By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
Came He to Bethlehem’s manger
Christ the Lord is risen on high!
Christians, go and tell of Jesus
Christ's grave is vacant now
Come sing, my soul, and praise the Lord
Come, all ye saints of God!
Come, every joyful heart
Come, let us all unite to sing
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Come, let us sing the matchless worth
Come, let us sing the song of songs
Come, let us to the Lord our God, with contrite hearts return
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare;
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Come, ye that know the Saviour's above
Crown Him with many crowns
Crowned with thorns upon the tree
Crowns of glory ever bright
Darkness veiled Gethsemane
Day by day and with each passing moment
Days are filled with sorrow and care
Dear Saviour Thou Art Mine
Does Jesus care?
Done is the work that saves
Drawing near in full assurance
Dread Golgotha
Eternal Light! eternal Light!
Eternal Word, eternal Son!
Face to face with Christ my Saviour
Facing a task unfinished
Faint not, Christian! though the road
Fairer than the fairest
Father of mercies! In Thy Word
Father! we, Thy children, bless Thee
Father, Thy name our souls would bless
Father, to seek Thy face
Fight the good fight with all thy might;
Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God
For ever with the Lord!
For ever with Thee, Lord
For the bread and for the wine
Forth from Gabbatha see Him led
Forth in His Name we go
From Egypt lately come
From every stormy wind that blows
From Heaven He came
From Salem’s gates advancing slow
From whence this fear and unbelief
Garden of gloom appalling
Gathered again to break the bread
Gathered to Thy name, Lord Jesus
Gathered, Lord, around Thy table
Gazing on Thee, Lord, in glory
Gently they took Him down
Give me a sight O Saviour
Glory to God on high!
Glory to Thee; Thou Son of God most High
Glory unto Jesus be!
Glory, glory everlasting
Glory, Lord, is Thine for ever
Go, labour on; spend, and be spent;
God hath not promised skies ever blue
God holds the key of all unknown
God moves in a mysterious way
God sent His Son
God's almighty arms are round me
Golgotha’s scene recalling
Grace! 'tis a charming sound
Gracious God, we worship Thee
Great God of wonders! All Thy ways
Great God with wonder and with praise
Great is Thy faithfulness
Great Shepherd of the sheep
Great Shepherd of Thy chosen flock
Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah
Hail sovereign love, that first began
Hail to the Lord's Anointed
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Happy they who trust in Jesus!
Hark the herald angels sing
Hark! my soul, it is the Lord;
Hark! ten thousand voices crying
Hark! 'tis the watchman's cry
Hast Thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him
Have I an object here below
Have Thine own way, Lord
He bears the cruel scourge from men
He comes! He comes!
He dies! He dies! The lowly Man of sorrows
He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater
He is coming, coming for us
He is coming, how this gladdens
He is not a disappointment
He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
He lives—the great Redeemer lives;
He sitteth o'er the waterfloods
He took a loaf
Here is love, vast as the ocean
Here o'er the earth as a stranger I roam
Here we remember Him
Here, O our Lord, we see Thee face to face;
High on a cruel cross of shame
Himself He could not save
His exodus, the wondrous theme
His fame we sing, His victory
Hold Thou my hand
Holy Father, we address Thee
Holy Saviour! We adore Thee
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Hope of our hearts, O Lord, appear!
How bright that blessed hope!
How deep the Father’s love for us
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
How good is the God we adore
How great, our Father, was Thy love
How I praise Thee, precious Saviour!
How sweet is the story of God’s
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
How wonderful! That Thou the Son hast come
I am redeemed, O praise the Lord
I am the Lord's! O joy beyond expression
I am Thine, O Lord! I have heard Thy voice
I am waiting for the dawning
I bless the Christ of God;
I bow me to Thy will, O God
I cannot tell why He whom angels worship
I Do No Work My Soul to Save
I do not know what lies ahead
I have a Friend whose faithful love
I have a home above
I have a Shepherd, one I love so well
I have been at the altar and witnessed the Lamb
I have only one life on this earth
I hear the accuser roar
I hear the words of love
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I journey through a desert drear and wild
I know not the hour of His coming
I know not when, but this I know
I left it all with Jesus long ago;
I need Thee, precious Saviour!
I once was a stranger to grace and to God
I saw One hanging on a Tree
I saw the Cross of Jesus
I serve a risen Saviour
I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me
I stand amazed in the presence
I thirst, but not as once I did
I to the hills will lift mine eyes
I want to walk with Jesus Christ
I was a wand'ring sheep
I was sinking deep in sin
I will never, never leave thee
I will sing of my Redeemer
I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus
I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold
I’m not ashamed to own my Lord
I'm a pilgrim and stranger
I'm but a stranger here;
I'm waiting for Thee, Lord
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In Christ alone
In heavenly love abiding
In holy majesty He moved
In hope we lift our wishful, longing eyes
In loving kindness Jesus came
In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair
In smooth and silken whiteness
In songs of praise our God, to Thee
In the name of Jesus every knee shall bow
Is it Thy will that I should be
It is a thing most wonderful
It may be at morn
It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine
It was alone the Saviour prayed
I've found a Friend; O such a Friend!
I've found a joy in sorrow
I've found the precious Christ of God
Jehovah is our strength
Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult
Jesus Christ, Thou King of Glory
Jesus is coming! Sing the glad word!
Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping ev'ry tear
Jesus my Lord will love me forever
Jesus our Saviour Thou and Lord
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Jesus was slain for me
Jesus! In Thee our eyes behold
Jesus! In whom all glories meet
Jesus! Source of life eternal
Jesus! The name high over all
Jesus, I am resting, resting
Jesus, in His heav'nly temple
Jesus, keep me near the Cross
Jesus, Lord, I need Thy presence
Jesus, Lord, I'm never weary
Jesus, Lord, Thy love to me
Jesus, Lord, we come together
Jesus, Lord, we know Thee present
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Jesus, our Lord, Thy worthiness we sing
Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee
Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness!
Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts
Jesus, Thy dying love I own
Join all the glorious names
Just as I am, Thine own to be
Kept, safely kept;
King of my life, I crown Thee
Lamb of God! our souls adore Thee
Lamb of God! Thou now art seated
Let us love and sing and wonder!
Let us rejoice in Christ the Lord
Light of the world, shine on our souls;
Like a river, glorious
Lo, He comes! With clouds descending
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious;
Loosed are the bands of death
Lord and Saviour, we remember
Lord Jesus Christ we seek Thy face
Lord Jesus Christ, the thought of Thee
Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
Lord Jesus, come!
Lord Jesus, Friend unfailing!
Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
Lord Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine
Lord Jesus, in Thy Name alone
Lord Jesus, my Saviour!
Lord Jesus, Thine;
Lord Jesus, Thou who only art
Lord Jesus, Thou, by whom the worlds were made
Lord Jesus, to tell of Thy love
Lord! to Thee my heart ascending
Lord, e'en to death Thy love could go
Lord, I desire to live as one
Lord, in Thy form and comeliness
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Lord, Thy ransomed Church is waking
Lord, Thy word abideth
Lord, we are Thine: our God Thou art
Lord, we love to trace Thy footprints
Lord, we treasure with affection
Lord, we would ne'er forget Thy love
Lord, when I think upon the love
Love bound Thee to the altar
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, so great and wondrous
Love’s immensity behold
Loved with everlasting love
Low in the grave He lay
Low on the ground the Lord of glory lies
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned.
Man of Sorrows! what a name
Man’s day is fast receding
Master, speak! Thy servant heareth
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Meeting in the Saviour's Name
Memorable morning
Mid the splendours of the glory
Midnight shadows close around
Midst the darkness, storm and sorrow
Mine eyes are unto Thee, my God
More about Jesus would I know
More holiness give me
More love to Thee, O Christ
My chains are snapt, the bonds of sin are broken
My glorious Victor, Prince divine
My God! what cords of love are Thine
My God, I am Thine;
My God, I have found
My God, my Father, while I stray
My heart can sing, when I pause to remember
My heart is bubbling over, Lord
My heart is full of Christ, and longs
My hope is built on nothing less
My Lord has garments so wondrous fine
My Redeemer! O what beauties
My rest is in heaven, my rest is not here
My Saviour, I would own Thee
My Shepherd is the Lamb
My sins were laid on Jesus
My song is love unknown
My soul amid this stormy world
Nailed to a Cross
No act of power could e’er atone
No blood, no altar now
No bone of Thee was broken
No condemnation! O my soul
No future but glory, Lord Jesus, have we
No gospel like this feast
No lips like Thine, most blessed Lord
No room in the inn for the Saviour was found
No shadows yonder! All light and song
No unforeseen event
None but Thyself, O God, could estimate
None teacheth, Lord, like Thee
Not all the blood of beasts
Not now, but in the coming years
Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art.
Now I have found a Friend
Now, in a song of grateful praise
O Blessed God to Thee we raise
O blessed God! How kind
O blessed Lord, what hast Thou done!
O blessed moment, ever drawing nigh
O blessed Saviour! is Thy love
O child of God, there is for thee
O Christ! He is the fountain
O Christ! in Thee my soul hath found
O Christ! We rest in Thee
O Christ, Thou heavenly Lamb!
O Christ, Thou Son of God!
O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head!
O come, Thou stricken Lamb of God
O ever homeless Stranger
O eyes that are weary, and hearts that are sore
O for a closer walk with God
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O for the peace that floweth as a river!
O for the robes of whiteness
O glorious Lord! What thoughts Thy mind did fill
O God can we Thy Son forget
O God His Father, rev’rently
O God of Bethel! By whose hand
O God of everlasting days
O God of glorious majesty
O God of matchless grace
O God our Father, we would come to Thee
O God, our help in ages past
O God, Thou now hast glorified
O happy day! when first we felt
O happy day, that fixed my choice
O Happy home! O Happy home!
O head, once filled with bruises
O how happy are they
O it was kind of Him
O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me
O Jesus Lord, ‘tis Thee alone
O Jesus, I have promised
O joy of the justified, joy of the free!
O Lamb of God! still keep me
O Lamb of God! 'tis joy to know
O Lamb of God, we lift our eyes
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
O Lord! 'tis joy to look above
O Lord, how infinite Thy love
O Lord, how much Thy Name unfolds
O Lord, I would delight in Thee
O Lord, it is Thyself to meet
O Lord, it is Thyself; none, none but Thee
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder
O Lord, Thy love's unbounded!
O Lord, when we the path retrace
O Lord, where'er Thy people meet
O Lord, who art Thy people's light
O Lord, who now art seated
O love divine, how sweet Thou art!
O love that wilt not let me go
O Master! when Thou callest
O Our Saviour, crucified!
O Patient, spotless One!
O precious blood, O glorious death
O precious exercise
O precious heavenly Bridegroom
O sacred Head, now wounded
O safe to the rock that is higher than I
O solemn hour! O hour alone
O soul, are you weary and troubled
O Spotless Lamb of God, in Thee
O teach me what it meaneth
O teach us more of Thy blest ways
O teach us, Lord, Thy searchless love to know
O the bitter shame and sorrow!
O The deep, deep love of Jesus!
O Thou tender, gracious Shepherd
O Thou, my soul, bless God the Lord;
O what a lonely path were ours
O what a wonderful, wonderful day
O what shall we feel in Thy presence when first
O wonderful, wonderful Word of the Lord
O wondrous hour, when Jesus, Thou
O Wondrous Saviour! Jesus Lord
O worship the King all-glorious above
Of Thee, Lord, we would never tire;
Oh, the brightness of the glory
On a hill far away
On Christ salvation rests secure;
On His Father’s throne is seated
On Jordan’s banks He stands
On merit not my own I stand
On that bright and golden morning
On that most holy morn
On that same night, Lord Jesus
On Thy broken body feeding
Once more before we part
One day when Heaven was filled
One there is above all others
Our Father! O what gracious ways
Our God and Father, we draw near to Thee
Our God, whose justice did awake
Our grateful hearts would raise
Our great Redeemer liveth! This assurance
Our hearts are full, O Father
Our hearts are glad
Our Lord is now rejected
Our souls are in God's mighty hand
Our times are in Thy hand;
Our voice with one accord
Ours are peace and joy divine
Peace, peace is mine! The peace of Jesu’s making
Poor, weak, and worthless though I am
Praise appreciative
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Praise the Lord, and leave to-morrow
Praise the Lord, who died to save us
Praise the peerless name of Jesus
Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him!
Praise thy Saviour, O my soul!
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation;
Praise ye Jehovah! Praise the Lord most holy
Praise ye the Lord! again, again
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven;
Praise, praise ye the Name of Jehovah, our God;
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
Precious is the blood of Jesus
Precious thought, my Father knoweth
Press forward and fear not!
Put thou thy trust in God
Redeemed! How I love to proclaim it
Rejected and despised
Rejoice! The Lord is King;
Rest of the saints above
Revive Thy work, O Lord!
Rise, my soul! behold 'tis Jesus
Rise, my soul! thy God directs thee;
Rise, my soul, with joy and gladness
Rock of Ages! Cleft for me
Round Himself we come so gladly
Round His steps the sweetest fragrance
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Salvation to our God!
Satisfied with Thee, Lord Jesus
Saviour, lead us by Thy power
Saviour, more than life to me
Saviour, round these emblems blessed
Saviour, Thou art waiting, waiting
Saviour, through the desert lead us!
Saviour, Thy dying love
Saviour, Thy Name I love!
Saviour, we remember Thee!
Shew me Thy wounds, exalted Lord
Show me Thy face
Simply trusting every day
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
Sing to God, my spirit sing
So send I you
Some day the silver cord will break
Some glorious morning, sorrow will cease
Sometimes a light surprises
Son of God, exalted now
Son of God, 'twas love that made Thee
Soon shall our Master come
Soon will the Master come – soon pass away
Sorrows abounding
Sovereign grace! o'er sin abounding
Sowing the seed by the daylight fair
Speak, Lord, in the stillness
Stricken, smitten and afflicted
Sweet are the seasons when we wait
Sweet feast of love divine!
Sweet hour of prayer
Sweet is the savour of His Name
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Sweet the theme of Jesu’s love
Sweeter sounds than music knows
Take my life, and let it be
Take the name of Jesus with you
Take the world, but give me Jesus
Take time to be holy
Teach me Thy way, O Lord
That night in which He was betrayed
That sight of love unveiled
The atoning work is done
The bread and wine are spread upon the board
The Church's one foundation
The cloudless day is nearing
The countless multitude on high
The Cross! the Cross! the blood-stained Cross!
The day of glory bearing
The day returns into His Name
The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended;
The gloom of dark Gethsemane
The glory shines before me
The God of Abraham praise
The Head that once was crowned with thorns
The holiest now we enter
The hour arrives, they reach the place
The King of love my Shepherd is
The Lamb of God to slaughter led
The Lord Himself shall come
The Lord is risen: now death's dark judgment flood
The Lord of glory being found
The Lord of Glory! Who is He?
The Lord will perfect that which doth concern me
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want:
The love of God is greater far
The love that Jesus had for me
The name of Jesus is so sweet
The night is wearing fast away
The perfect righteousness of God
The Saviour comes! No outward pomp
The Saviour lives, no more to die;
The Saviour’s blood, on Calvary shed
The sorrows of the daily life
The veil is rent: Lo! Jesus stands
The wanderer no more will roam
There have been names that I have loved to hear
There is a fold whence none can stray
There is a fountain filled with blood
There is a green hill far away
There is a Name I love to hear
There is an eye that never sleeps
There is coming a day
There will never be a sweeter story
There’s a call comes ringing
There’s a land that is fairer than day
They nailed my Lord upon the tree
Thine be the glory
Thine ever – loved and chosen
Thine is the love, Lord, that draws us together
This world is a wilderness wide
Thou art coming, O our Saviour!
Thou art the Everlasting Word
Thou hidden love of God, Whose height
Thou life of my life, blessed Saviour
Thou who did’st come to die
Thou whose almighty word
Thou, my everlasting portion!
Though faint yet pursuing
Thought-views that n’er grow dim
Thrice blessed hope that cheers
Through Him to Thee, His God
Through the love of God our Saviour
Through Thy precious body broken
Thy broken body, gracious Lord
Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
Thy life was given for me
Thy love we own, Lord Jesus;
Thy Name we bless, Lord Jesus!
Till He come! O let the words
Tis finished all: our souls to win
Tis past, the dark and dreary night.
'Tis the blessed hour of prayer when our hearts lowly bend
Tis we, O Lord, whom Thou hast shown
To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now
To God be the glory
To Thee, His God, we bring
To Thee, O gracious Saviour!
Together at the feast
Twas love that sought Gethsemane
'Twas on that night, when doomed to know
Until He come
Unto Him who loved us, gave us
Unto the end with even pace
Walk in the light, so shalt thou know
Was it for me, for me alone
We are waiting for the moment
We bless our Saviour's Name
We bless Thee, God and Father
We come, our gracious Father
We feast on the fruit that He bears
We look upon the loaf and cup
We love to sing with one accord
We praise Thee, Lord, in strains of deepest joy
We praise Thy great love
We remember glory shining
We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender
We saw Thee not when Thou didst come
We sing the praise of Him who died
We thank Thee, O His Father, God
We would prepared, O God
We would remember, Lord, Thy Cross
We’ll all gather home in the morning
We’ve no abiding city here
We'll sing of the Shepherd that died
We're a pilgrim band in a stranger land
What a fellowship, what a joy divine
What a Friend we have in Jesus
What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone
What holy mem’ries fill
What raised the wondrous thought
What though the way be lonely
What was it, O our God
What will it be to dwell above
What will it be when all life’s toil is finished
When all my labours and trials are o’er
When first, o’erwhelmed with sin and shame
When I survey the wondrous Cross
When my life’s work is ended
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
When this passing world is done;
When upon life’s billows;
When we reach our peaceful dwelling
When we walk with the Lord
Where high the heavenly temple stands
Where the few together gather
Who can cheer the heart like Jesus?
Who is He in yonder stall?
With conscience purged
With fitting reverence and awe
With harps and with vials
With His lowly condescension
With Jesus in our midst
With joy we meditate the grace
With overflowing hearts we gather
With praise, O God, our hearts abound
With purposed heart He goes to meet
With rev’rence we remember Him
With steady pace the pilgrim moves
With Thy Son our occupation
Without a cloud between;
Without a trace of Adam’s sin
Wonderful birth to a manger He came
Wonderful grace of Jesus
Worthy of homage and of praise;
Worthy, worthy is the Lamb!
Worthy, worthy, worthy, Thou, of adoration
Ye gates, lift up your heads on high;
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
SKU | 9781914273148 |
Weight | 0.574 kg |
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