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Now Is Christ Risen
An attractive and glossy gospel leaflet giving a clear gospel message in relation to Easter.
Wording inside:
“Now is Christ Risen.” Since Jesus Christ had died on the...
An attractive and glossy gospel leaflet giving a clear gospel message in relation to Easter.
Wording inside:
“Now is Christ Risen.” Since Jesus Christ had died on the cross at Calvary, His disciples had been in dark despair. For three days His body had lain buried. But now, as the sun was rising, they came to the tomb – and found it empty! He had risen from the dead – and everything was changed!
Over the centuries this fact has been the centre of a message preached world-wide. Some have died for it and some have denied it. Many have believed it, but some people still ask, “Is it fact or fable?”
In the Bible we read that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is indeed a well proven historical fact. He appeared to individuals – to Mary, to Peter, to James, and to two as they walked to the village of Emmaus. He appeared to His disciples, and on one occasion to over five hundred of His followers. Paul, who states these facts, adds that “He was seen of me also” (1 Corinthians 15.8). When these words were written, most of those who saw Him were still alive – credible witnesses to the fact that the resurrection was a fact and not a fable.
This unique event proves that all the claims of Jesus Christ are true and must be considered seriously. The Bible states that He is the “Saviour of the world” (John 4.42), and that He “came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1.15). His words, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved” (John 10.9), assert that by Him alone can salvation be found. But, you may ask, why do I need salvation?
Man is sinful. The events surrounding Christ’s death demonstrate that. They arrested Him shortly after midnight, and with indecent haste, they tried Him before four judges, none of whom could find any evidence to convict Him. One of these judges, Pontius Pilate, even asks His accusers in amazement, “What evil hath He done?” (Matthew 27.23). This Roman governor; well practised in sifting evidence to get at the truth, concludes: “I, after examining Him before you, have found no fault in this man” (Luke 23.14). He was innocent yet condemned to death.
Was this act of injustice just one of many which have stained history? No! His death was unique. It was to pay the penalty for human sin. Because of this He offers you salvation today. You can be saved from the power and penalty of your sin. To receive this salvation you must acknowledge that you are a sinner, believe His claims and put all your trust in Him.
To an anxious enquirer the message was summed up in this way: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16.31).
Paul, writing to those who had believed the good news of the gospel, states that “Christ died for our sins”, and can add with confidence, “He was buried” and “rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15.3).
Have you considered His claims?
The time to do so, and to accept Him as your Saviour, is now.
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