Ruth: More Than A Love Story
  • Ruth: More Than A Love Story Thumbnail
  • CategoriesChildrens8-13
  • SKU: 9781846250781

Ruth: More Than A Love Story

Never dismiss the book of Ruth as just a love stoy! It is the story of a woman who had to deal with the death of her husband and two sons. It is the story of a young bereaved wife who lef...

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Never dismiss the book of Ruth as just a love stoy! It is the story of a woman who had to deal with the death of her husband and two sons. It is the story of a young bereaved wife who left her home, family and religion to follow the Lord and support her mother-in-law in her time of need.

Most of all, it is the story of a stronger divine power than you or I could ever imagine. It is the story of a God who loved Ruth and had a plan for her life. He led her through the hardest of times to a most wonderful conclusion.

Travel step by step through the book of Ruth, and find out for yourself how it is far more than just a love story.


Weight0.16 kg
  • Childrens
  • 8-13
  • Day One



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