Setting The Stage
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  • CategoriesBooksBiblical StudyBible CommentariesDevotionalFather's Day
  • Format: Paperback
  • SKU: 9780888736000
  • AUTHOR: Jabe Nicholson

Setting The Stage

Jabe Nicholson
GENESIS... It's a book like no other. Hurtling us back to the dawn of time and space, we look over God's shoulder as He creates the universe. We watch as He tenderly kneels, shapes His crowning creature from the dust, and gently breathes into him the breath of life.
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GENESIS... It's a book like no other. Hurtling us back to the dawn of time and space, we look over God's shoulder as He creates the universe. We watch as He tenderly kneels, shapes His crowning creature from the dust, and gently breathes into him the breath of life. No greater love drama, no more inspiring human saga, no more exciting rescue mission, could be imagined than the one told in this book.


Weight0.341 kg
  • Books
  • Biblical Study
  • Bible Commentaries
  • Devotional
  • Father's Day



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