Tell Me More About The Holy Spirit
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  • CategoriesBooksTheologyThe Holy Spirit
  • SKU: 9781907731594
  • AUTHOR: Jack Hay

Tell Me More About The Holy Spirit

Jack Hay

This short book about the Holy Spirit has been written by Jack Hay to help young believers in Christ to understand what the Bible teaches about this important subject. We are informed fro...

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This short book about the Holy Spirit has been written by Jack Hay to help young believers in Christ to understand what the Bible teaches about this important subject. We are informed from the Scriptures about who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Like other books and booklets in this series, the style of writing has been kept simple. It will therefore be easier to read, and also to translate into other languages where this is necessary or helpful. The end of chapter summaries and optional study questions will help all readers absorb the subject matter and take their studies further.


This is the fifth book in the series Tell me more about prepared for young believers who are seeking to learn the fundamentals of “the faith … once delivered unto the saints” (Jude v.3). Recognising needs among young believers and those whose native language is not English, the writer is conscious of his readership, so “complicated sentences and difficult words” are noticeably absent, as the editor’s brief required. This Tell me more about book comprises four chapters – The Holy Spirit and His Work; The Holy Spirit and the Believer, The Holy Spirit and the Church, and The Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Tongues and other Miraculous Signs. These are important aspects of truth relating to the Holy Spirit that believers, young or old, must grasp if they are to make progress in their understanding of the
Bible, and are to appreciate the great blessings into which they have come. Each of the chapters concludes with a very helpful summary of key points and guidance as to further study. The author begins Chapter 1 with a consideration of the word “trinity” that Unitarian writers oppose so vehemently. He notes the singular “name”
at Matthew 28.19 – “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”; the plural Hebrew noun rightly translated “God” at Genesis 1.1 used with the singular verb “created”; and other proof verses. He emphasises that that “there is one God” (1 Tim 2.5) and the Scriptural revelation of three Persons without reverting to ancient creeds with which few readers would be familiar. Tell me more about the Holy Spirit also includes clear statements about other areas of controversy such as the sign gifts of the Holy Spirit. Their Place andheir Passing are two headings developed toaddress teaching that is still prevalent in some cclesiastical circles. In so doing
the author distinguishes Biblical
terms that are often confused
– the baptism in the Spirit, the
filling of the Spirit and speaking
with tongues. Clarity is a marked
feature of this helpful publication.
T Wilson


Weight0.29 kg
  • Books
  • Theology
  • The Holy Spirit
  • John Ritchie Publishing



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