Torchbearers of the Truth - Christian Heritage Series - Volume 1
  • Torchbearers of the Truth - Christian Heritage Series - Volume 1 Thumbnail
  • CategoriesBooksRitchie PublicationsRitchie BiographyGeneral BiographyAlso Available As Ebooks
  • SKU: 9781910513866
  • AUTHOR: Bert Cargill & James Brown

Torchbearers of the Truth - Christian Heritage Series - Volume 1

Bert Cargill & James Brown
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This book, published in conjunction with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, takes the reader back through time in British history to the centuries before and after it to remind us...

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This book, published in conjunction with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, takes the reader back through time in British history to the centuries before and after it to remind us of the debt that we owe to some remarkable Christians from that era. They led the way out of the darkness of these centuries principally by making available readable copies of the Bible and by preaching that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. 
Many suffered imprisonment and the pains of martyrdom for their faith. Some names such as John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and John Bunyan will be well known. Others may not be so well known, but they have been included to keep alive their memory and to encourage us to follow their example of devotion to God. These faithful servants down through those years will receive their due reward. 

Most of the chapters are edited versions of a series of articles which first appeared in the Believer’s Magazine. They are now being published for the benefit of a wider readership which will be inspired by their devotion and sacrifice.



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  • Books
  • Ritchie Publications
  • Ritchie Biography
  • General Biography
  • Also Available As Ebooks



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