Until He Come
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  • CategoriesBooksChristian LifeChristian Living
  • SKU: 9781527276994
  • AUTHOR: Kenneth I Burnett

Until He Come

Kenneth I Burnett

I have had a long standing interest in and love of poetry, and have had several poems printed in magazines. Some being read out at weddings, funerals and anniversaries, etc.

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I have had a long standing interest in and love of poetry, and have had several poems printed in magazines. Some being read out at weddings, funerals and anniversaries, etc.

The positive encouragement of fellow believers inspired me to publish my first book, and I trust and pray that it may be of spiritual benefit to some.

As Christians we are not exempt from the hardship of life. There are often burdens to bear and trials to face.

And these particular poems will hopefully be of some comfort and consolation, that we may not dwell too long on the affl ictions of life, but may look forward with assurance to the appearing of our Lord

and Saviour, Jesus Christ. For all we may pass through is only, ‘Until He Come.’

I trust these poems will bring a sense of joy and hope, and may be a help and comfort to some as we continue on the road home to glory.

Kenneth Irwin Burnett.


Weight0.1 kg
  • Books
  • Christian Life
  • Christian Living



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