What in the World Is God Doing: The Essentials of Global Missions: An Introductory Guide
  • What in the World Is God Doing: The Essentials of Global Missions: An Introductory Guide Thumbnail
  • CategoriesOffersBooks
  • SKU: 9780962485053
  • AUTHOR: C Gordon Olsen

What in the World Is God Doing: The Essentials of Global Missions: An Introductory Guide

C Gordon Olsen

Veteran missionary and missiologist C. Gordon Olson has distilled his knowledge and experience to produce an introductory text to missions that is marked by its balance between theory and...

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Veteran missionary and missiologist C. Gordon Olson has distilled his knowledge and experience to produce an introductory text to missions that is marked by its balance between theory and practice.


Weight0.774 kg
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